Mobile device users surpassed desktop users in 2014. With that came the dominance of the App; As reports indicate, over 52% of time spent on mobile devices is on mobile apps. The projected income from the over 2 billion available apps through Apple and Android for 2017 is about $77 billion dollars. This makes it very advantageous for entrepreneurs and business owners alike to develop an app suitable for users to expand brand recognition and generate new business. However, the process of developing an app is not as simple as it may seem.


To start, if you’ve made the decision to outsource your app development it is imperative to have a solid action plan in place and an open communication plan with your developers for every step of the way. Consider formally writing a strategy and expected milestones for the development of your app. Also know what exactly are the key elements of your app and what you’d like your app to accomplish. For example, is your app SaaS, social media driven, or an E-Commerce platform? This will give you and your developer a clear understanding of what is to be expected and what the final product shall be. Once you have gathered this information and completed this initial groundbreaking you are ready for the next phase.


You’ll now need to begin the app approval process. This can be lengthy; Consider this the legal aspect of getting your app in shape to be placed in the app market. There are guidelines and criteria that your app will have to meet, yet Apple and Android provide links to help you go through their checklist. For Apple, the submission guidelines include, iOS Human Interface Guidelines, Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines, and App Store Review Guidelines. Android provides the Android Launch Checklist, but you should also get familiar with Google Play Store policies and limitations.


The third final phase in app development is ASO, App Store Optimization. The higher the ranking of your app the more available your app will be to potential users and thus higher rates of downloads. But how do you accomplish high ratings for your app? From classic target marketing, knowing your target customer and what keyword phrases will be most relevant in their search for your app. Start with integrating keywords into your apps title. This increases your ranking in the app store by 10.3%. Also, provide a direct link from your website or email. This will capitalize on your customers brand recognition and bring reliable downloads for your app.

Creating a successful app that stands our among the over 2 billions apps already available is tricky but still can be accomplished with due diligence. Be prepared, do your homework, and capitalize on market strategy and you can have a piece of that $77 billion dollar income!

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