How To Find The Best SEO Firm For Your Business


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not something to be taken lightly.  Finding the right company to work with can be challenging, especially if you haven’t done it before. The right SEO agency can push your business to new heights, increasing site visits and income. But how do you find the best SEO agency for your business? Here are some things to consider as you begin your search.


What does SEO success mean to you? Is it ranking on the first page for your keywords? Is it increased site visits? Figure out this goal before your search so you know how to communicate to potential agencies.

Along with goals, you need to understand how these outcomes will be measured so you can be involved in the conversation with your chosen firm. Also consider the amount of risk you’re willing to take in order to achieve these specific results. You need to have a keen understanding of what you’re hoping to get out of this partnership. Do your research, and come in with a plan.


Every company has different expectations for their SEO agency. Ask yourself what qualities you’re looking for. These are your “make or break” criteria, and will determine which companies make your short list. Some criteria could be:

  • Has a local office
  • Has experience in your industry
  • Offers consultations

Your list may include all or none of these things. Every business has different priorities, but you need to sit down and create your list to help narrow down SEO agencies from the start.


The ultra-competitive nature of the SEO industry means there are lots of rankings for top SEO firms. This can get overwhelming, and at the end of the day, it doesn’t mean much. It’s virtually impossible to rank thousands of different firms on subjective criteria. Ditch the rankings as a definitive way to select an SEO agency. Use your list from step 3 to help guide your searches.


When you’ve narrowed down your list of potential SEO agencies, have some questions prepared to discuss on the phone. Some questions you may want to ask include:

  • How exactly do you plan on helping me accomplish my goals?
  • What would you consider your agency’s specialty?
  • How often do you communicate and share with me changes made to my site?
  • What is your definition of SEO success?

Depending on your company’s needs, you’ll likely have more specific questions to ask. Just make sure you’re asking enough questions to get a feel for what the agency really does. Don’t be afraid to ask too many questions – after all, it is your business.


Any great SEO agency is happy to direct you to referrals or case studies from other clients. Study those of businesses in similar industries to see how they performed. Reach out to these clients for their opinion on the agency – often this is what will set one agency apart from the rest.


Finding the best SEO agency is not a project that can be done in an afternoon. Take your time to ask yourself questions, and find companies that have the right answers. Working with an SEO agency that you like and understands your goals is extremely important to get the results you’re hoping for. GiraffeBuilder is proud to exhibit the qualities of a great SEO firm, and would love to speak with you about your business. Contact us anytime.

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